Racket Sports Venues

With Aqqo, our racket sports center excels - effortless online bookings, convenient ride cards, and swift payments!

Sports Centre Trifora

What Aqqo can do for your Sports Centre

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Member Management Features
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Online Billing and Payments
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Integrated Access Control

Aqqo ensures optimal racket sports venue management with intuitive booking and simplified financial processing.


Streamlining Operations with Integrated Venue Management

Unlock seamless venue management with Aqqo's unified, user-friendly platform. Effortlessly manage online bookings, invoicing, and back-office tasks while enjoying powerful integrations. Experience a simplified system that harmonizes diverse business operations, promoting growth and sustainability in your venues.

Streamlined financial processes
Streamlined financial processes

Aqqo simplifies financial management, providing seamless integrations with accounting software, enhancing invoice creation, and expediting payment processes.

Insightful management reports
Insightful management reports

Aqqo enables comprehensive financial and management reporting, offering insightful data to optimize venue operations and enhance financial oversight.

Access control integration
Access control integration

Utilize Aqqo’s access control: automate venue entry via pin code or app, precisely aligning with scheduled booking times.

Streamlined financial processes
Streamlined financial processes
Financial Integrations

Aqqo simplifies financial management, providing seamless integrations with accounting software, enhancing invoice creation, and expediting payment processes.

Insightful management reports
Insightful management reports
Venue Management

Aqqo enables comprehensive financial and management reporting, offering insightful data to optimize venue operations and enhance financial oversight.

Access control integration
Access control integration
Access Control Integrations

Utilize Aqqo’s access control: automate venue entry via pin code or app, precisely aligning with scheduled booking times.

Discover how we automate your bookings and financial process

Sports Center Trifora

Aqqo has optimally configured our padel and tennis courts. They've set up automatic pricing and booking distinctions for members and non-members, and connected with our financial and CRM system. A true business partner during implementation.

Sports Center Trifora

Trusted by 1.000+ venues
